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A GeoFence is a virtual fence that defines an areas that a vehicle can leave (inclusions) or enter (exclusions). Auterion Mission Control enables the creation of complex GeoFence boundaries made up of multiple circular and polygonal regions.
GeoFences can be used to prevent a vehicle flying out of range of the RC controller, or into unsafe or restricted airspace. They are respected in all modes, including missions and manual flight.
Fences defined in a plan are different/seperate to the simple cylindrical geofence defined in the Geofence Failsafe.
The action triggered when the flight controller detects an impending geofence breach is defined in the Geofence Failsafe settings.
Users should create an inclusion geofence around the desired mission path (the mission is displayed semi-transparent when editing fences) and exclusion fences around any areas that the vehicle must not travel.
To create a new GeoFence:
Navigate to the Plan View.
Select the Extras button in the Mission editor to display the GeoFence Editor.
Insert a Circular GeoFence by pressing the Circular Fence button. A round fence will be added to the map, along with an entry in the Circular Fences list below the buttons.
Move the fence by dragging the central marker on the map.
Resize the fence by dragging the marker on the circumference (or set the radius value in the GeoFence Editor).
Insert a Polygonal GeoFence by pressing the Polygon Fence button. A square region will be added to the map, along with an entry in the Polygon Fences list below the buttons. A Polygon Tools overlay is added to the map that can be used to set/reset the geofence and change the way that it is defined.
Move the fence by dragging the central marker on the map.
Move the corners by dragging the vertices (filled circles).
Create new vertices by clicking the "unfilled" dots on the lines between the filled vertices.
Delete vertices by selecting them and choosing the Remove vertix option.
New regions are created as inclusion zones (vehicles must stay within the region). They can be changed to exclusion zones (where the vehicle can't travel) by un-checking the associated Inclusion checkbox in the fence panel.
Multiple regions can be created by pressing the plus icon.
When finished, press the Upload button to save the fences to the vehicle.
To edit a fence, select the fence you want to edit.
The fence is then highlighted on the map and can be modified as described in the previous section.
To delete a fence, select the associated Delete button in the GeoFence Editor.
GeoFence definitions are saved to the vehicle using the Upload button, along with any mission and rally point plans.
The tools that are displayed when planning a geofence are listed below (for information about all tools see Plan UI Overview).
File operations (create, save or load plan) and sync operations (upload/download plan from vehicle, clear plan on vehicle).
Center map on mission, home, vehicle, all items, or specified location.
Rally Point
Provides alternative landing points when performing Return To Launch
The Polygon Fence and Circular Fence buttons are used to add a fence of the respective type to the map. The entries in the Polygon Fences or Circular Fences panels are used to select which fence is currently being edited on the map, to delete the fence, and to set the fence as an inclusion/exclusion zone.
Polygon Fence
Add a polygon fence to the map and an entry to the Polygon Fences section.
Circular Fence
Add a circular fence to the map and an entry to the Circular Fences section.
Set this fence as an inclusion (vehicle must move within the fence). Uncheck if vehicle must fly outside the region enclosed by the fence.
Set this fence as current fence (for editing on map).
Set radius for this fence (circular fence only).
Delete this fence.
Add/Remove Breach Return Point
Add or remove breach return point. The breach return point should be used as return destination instead of the home location.
Breach return point altitude, if a point has been defined.