AOS 2.2.0
This version of AuterionOS comes bundles with Auterion PX4 2.2:
APX4 2.2.0New Features
New Auterion developer workflow
Microhard pairing preconfigured with skynode
Trillium HD40LV
Point of Interest support
Improvements for manual modes
Logging/detection improvements: Log software and hardware versions, detect when sightline tracking board is not connected
Send tracking status back to AMC to be displayed on the Fly view
Support for center gimbal command from AMC
Modem Configuration: automatically detect APN
Skynode Configuration/Developer Webpage:
expose more system information (performance, versions, partitions, network, etc)
button to generate diagnostic report
AuterionOS: split into development and production images
Option to fully disable Wifi or LTE using the Auterion Developer Workflow
Cloud Simulation: fix several video streaming stability and connectivity issues
Update mechanism: add custom application update support in local-updater
Sony A7R: several video stability improvements
Photo gallery: download photo preview when it is taken and then download the high resolution version only when the user selects the photo
Developer Workflow: new mavlink endpoints exposed for development
Pairing: show vehicle serial number to distinguish between multiple vehicles
Pairing: add new state to improve stability
New setting to enable internet routing over ethernet
Silvus Datalink:
solve issues where the stored configuration on skynode was not updated during pairing
fix how radio parameters are stored in the radio’s flash storage
Fix issue where Skynode’s SDCard was not properly mounted at boot causing the SDCard to get corrupted in a very specific condition
Trillium HD40LV: fix gimbal feedback to AMC. The gimbal orientation displayed in AMC had an offset in yaw
Last updated