AMC 1.19.5


Please use the following version, or newer, of Auterion OS with this release of AMC:

What's new

  • Multi-GCS with handoff support

  • Markers

    • Improved video marker overlay on video stream to be less obstructive

    • Improve marker drawer such that it is possible to keep it open and drop multiple markers

    • added ability to enter markers from coordinates besides being able to drop them on the map

    • added ability to visualize marker coordinates and elevation by clicking on them in the map view

    • added ability to delete all markers, not just individual ones

  • Improved Center Field of View coordinate accuracy by computing the ground crossing elevation and added Center Field of View visualization on the map for ISR payloads, Trillium, and NextVision

  • Added support for AGL mission planning for waypoints and landing pattern for VTOLs

  • Extended VTOL/Fixed-Wing Follow Mode to be enabled in POI mode, not just Track mode

  • On 4-axis joysticks, it is possible to enable gimbal controls on the throttle joystick for VTOL/Fixed-Wing. The setting in available in the camera settings

What improved

Plan View

  • Added units for Orbit Time and Orbit Altitude orbit radius

  • Changed Orbit Time time unit from seconds to minutes

  • Improved Altitude Plot waypoint numbering such that it is consistently at the top of the plot and improved lines connecting the waypoint number to the x-axis

  • Fixed mismatch between waypoint number on the map and in the Altitude Plot when adding a POI to the mission

  • Increased clickable area to switch altitude mode between HGT, AGL and MSL in the Plan View Altitude Plot

  • added ability to set Survey flight speed for VTOLs when planning without a vehicle connected. Once the vehicle connects, the flight speed is set to airspeed trim value

  • Removed constraint on trigger distance for VTOLs

  • Fixed trigger interval calculation for VTOLs

  • Improved VTOL/Fixed-Wing surveys by enforcing not taking distances in the turnaround radius

  • Increased VTOL Land Pattern maximum landing distance from 200m to 300m

  • Increased VTOL Pattern maximum turnaround distance from 200 to 500m

  • Improve VTOL takeoff minimum, default and maximum altitude values. They are now set to 15m, 50m, and 100m respectively.

Fly View

  • Added ability to close link loss warning pop-up

  • Fixed Figure 8 not re-aligning as the POI location changed

  • Fixed markers not being overlaid on the video feed after a link loss

  • Fixed MavLink Altitude message handling such that the vehicle altitude updates in GPS denied conditions

  • Exposed VTOL front-transition button when the vehicle is in descent flight mode in AMC normal mode. The vehicle will switch into Altitude flight mode and then transition into aerodynamic flight.

  • Improved map lines visibility by adding a contrasting border

  • Fixed VTOL/Fixed-Wing Follow mode getting disabled when the option to set the POI at the center of the Orbit was previously selected

  • Changed POI label not to update with the Center Field of View coordinate from the payload. The location where the payload is looking at is displayed in the camera projection on the map

  • Added battery cycles to vehicle battery status dropdown in the top toolbar

  • Improved RemoteID error notification in case the WiFi module isn’t responding

  • Fixed creating a Figure 8 by setting it up from coordinate entry

  • Fixed duplicated orbit visuals when creating an Orbit from coordinate entry

  • Removed ability to set the home location (S on the map) as the active mission waypoint

  • Improved transitions between gimbals modes. When the payload loses the tracked object, Track mode is kept enabled such that the pilot only need to click on the video feed to re-select the object

  • Fixed error on KML import

  • Fixed Home Approaches being interactive when video is primary

  • Added ability to set markers on top of Fly View labels like POI, Orbit or mission waypoints

  • Improved “Cancel POI” and “Cancel Follow” buttons

  • Guarded against being able to resume a mission when in VTOL Hover or when already in Return mode (first set to Hold)

  • Fixed POI command not being executed when there isn’t any terrain data available

  • Fixed Hold command not always being executed due to missing terrain data

  • Fixed Fly View commands not being executed when the altitude mode is HGT and there isn’t any terrain data available

  • Limited Fly View terrain collision checks to the maximum guided actions distance not to overload resource constrained GCS

  • Fixed Figure8 visuals when the radius is different than default and the Figure8 is re-aligned towards a new POI

  • Fixed Fly View Orbit and Figure8 direction arrow not being displayed when toggled in fast succession

  • When a VTOL transitions into hover, any existing Hold to Confirm popups are canceled for actions that are meant to be executed in aerodynamic flight like Orbit and Figure 8

  • Improved invalid mission handling: when an invalid mission is uploaded to the vehicle, make sure that in the Fly View the previous valid mission available on the vehicle is displayed


  • Improved app stability on vehicle connect and disconnect

  • Fixed wrong joystick calibration helper text

  • Removed joystick deadband calibration for joysticks that don’t support it

  • Enabled joystick calibration when there isn’t a vehicle connected

  • Fixed gimbal joysticks not sending commands to the vehicle after a joystick calibration

  • Maps & Terrain: improved error messaging and added dataset description

  • Changed Radio tab to only be available when the vehicle is set up to use an RC

  • Fixed OS keyboard remaining interactive when setting up a POI, Orbit or Figure8 from coordinate entry

  • Improved Connection Manager icon visibility when in Outdoor mode

  • Improved wording of VTOL checklist for Takeoff and Return

Last updated