APX4 2.7.6
Last updated
Last updated
Please use Auterion Mission Control 1.17.9 or newer with this version of APX4:
Fixed-wing figure-8 flight mode
Enable “nudging” the lateral position during a fixed-wing landing approach
Enable “nudging” the lateral position during failsafe hovering descent mode
ADSB-out callsign support
Support for BMP390 barometer
Optionally disable position data from logs
Added configurable low position accuracy warning and RTL thresholds for GPS-denied flight ops
Increased robustification to bad magnetometer measurements
Improved altitude estimate stability
Improved GNSS health monitoring
Improved sensor data validity checking
Improved robustness to non-zero sideslip during GNSS denied fixed-wing flight
Improved protection against IMU sample integration jitter
Fixed temperature compensation handling in sensor bias learning
Robustified airspeed selector scale factor estimation
Improved accelerated stall protection
Improved runway takeoff functionality
Improved runway landing functionality
Improved hand-launch functionality
Improved airspeedless altitude/speed control
Improved land detector
Enabled operator triggered transition to forward flight after a quad-chute
Expanded configurable quad-chute failsafe conditions
Updated flight time warnings
Improved low battery handling