Mavlink Communication with the Autopilot and other systems that use the MAVLink protocol

MAVLink can be used to interface with components that use the MAVLink protocol and are connected to Skynode. These can be applications running on AuterionOS, payloads or other devices connected to the Skynode or its flight controller.

If you wish to write a custom application which can send and receive MAVLink to or from the FMU, we recommend using Auterion libmav and connect to the interface outlined below.

To connect to the on-board mavlink network, open a TCP connection to (auterion-api 2+) or (auterion-api 1). For MAVSDK use the connection string "tcp://" or "tcp://"

If the Skynode is connected via USB, you can also connect to that port by using IP

How to use libmav in your App

Use libmav as a submodule in your app. You can also check the README of this Repository to get more information and more examples how to use libmav.

In libmav, the message set is runtime defined and loaded from XML files. Any of the upstream XML files will work. The function also loads dependent XML files recursively.

auto message_set = mav::MessageSet("/path/to/common.xml");

The easiest way to get the mavlink message defintions into your app is to add mavlink as a submodule, and include the message definitions like this:

auto message_set = mav::MessageSet("mavlink/common.xml");

Connect to MAVLink using TCP to port 5790 on like sol

auto phy = std::make_shared<mav::TCPClient>("", 5790);
auto runtime = std::make_shared<mav::NetworkRuntime>(_message_set, heartbeat, *_phy);
auto connection = _runtime->awaitConnection(1000);

You can use a callback like this to receive messages. This callback receives GLOBAL_POSITION_INT and BATTERY_STATUS messages.

// Look up IDs of messages we're interested in.
auto global_position_int_id = _message_set.idForMessage("GLOBAL_POSITION_INT");
auto battery_status_id = _message_set.idForMessage("BATTERY_STATUS");

// Add a message callback
        global_position_int_id, battery_status_id](const mav::Message &message) {
    if ( == global_position_int_id) {
        std::cout << "Received position message" << std::endl;
    } else if ( == battery_status_id) {
        std::cout << "Received battery message" << std::endl;

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