Related C++ Header in the Auterion SDK:<auterion_sdk/camera/camera.hpp>
Auterion SDK provides an interface for enumerating and subscribing to cameras and images.
In the simplest case (useful for testing), we can open the first found camera, and register a callback for image updates:
std::optional<auterion::Camera> camera = auterion::Camera::openFirst(sdk);
if (camera) {
printf("Got camera: %s, model=%s\n", camera->descriptor().unique_name.c_str(),
camera->subscribeImage([](const auterion::Image& image) {
// The image data is available as,
// encoded as image.header().encoding
printf("Got image: size=%dx%d\n", image.width(), image.height());
} else {
printf("Timeout, no camera found\n");
As the set of available cameras depends on the system, each camera provides a descriptor, which can be used to select a camera based on its properties, such as the model name, mount orientation or purpose.
For example to select the camera used for surveys:
std::optional<auterion::Camera> camera = auterion::Camera::open(
[](const auterion::CameraDescriptor& descriptor) {
// The camera will be selected for the first descriptor that returns true here
return descriptor.primary_purpose ==
if (camera) {
// ...
Image Data
The raw image data can be accessed from the callback via
The image can be converted to an OpenCV structure like this:
const cv::Mat cv_mat = image.asOpenCVMat();
If you want to use the image outside of the callback, or make modifications, it is required to make a copy of the image data.
In addition, there's also a CameraMonitor class that can be used to get notified when cameras are attached or removed from the system: