AOS 2.0.2


This version of AuterionOS comes bundled with APX4 2.0.2:

APX4 2.0.0

Please use Auterion Mission Control 1.9.1 or newer with this version of AOS:

AMC 1.9.0

New Features

  • New build command to build and deploy a single application to your Skynode without rebuilding the whole OS and flashing it from scratch. Now takes less than a minute to build and flash Skynode during development!

  • Increased Sony camera’s maximum triggering interval. Now you can trigger up to 1 Hz without getting instabilities in the camera.

  • Reject photo triggers when the camera is in video mode. This might happen if camera is in video mode and the user starts a camera survey. The user will be warned in Auterion Mission Control if this happens.

  • Photo destination for Sony cameras configurable from Auterion Mission Control. In “computer mode” one can download the photo via USB to the Mission Computer, while in “camera mode” images are only stored in the camera.

  • Detect missing SDCard in Sony cameras. Users are warned in Auterion Mission Control if the card is missing.

  • New AuterionOS updater UI. New design with enhanced formatting of the data displayed.

  • New AuterionOS updater API. Allows updating AuterionOS from Auterion Mission Control (AMC 1.9.1 or newer should be used).

  • LTE modem configurable from Auterion Mission Control (AMC 1.9.1 or newer should be used).

  • Better WiFi configuration state handling in Auterion Mission Control. This results in much better feedback on success/failure notification after applying a new configuration (AMC 1.9.1 or newer should be used).

Bug fixes

  • Video or camera controls were not always available when connecting to the simulation in the Auterion Suite.

  • At boot, there was a race condition that could stop the configuration of the WiFi because the WiFi interface was not available yet (both in “Infrastructure” and “Access Point” modes).

  • Minor problem caused the process that reads the cellular status from the LTE modem and send it to the FMU via MAVLink to become unstable.

  • Minor problem in the detection of the EU LTE module on Skynode.

  • Minor issues in the Sony camera drivers caused instabilities with the cameras while switching the camera mode, focus mode or photo destination.

Last updated