AOS 3.7.9


This version of AuterionOS comes bundled with the following APX4 release:

APX4 3.2.1

Please use the following version, or newer, of Auterion Mission Control with this version of AOS:

AMC 1.34.12

Check out the respective Release notes to see what's new in APX4 and AMC!

What's new

  • Extended flight logs to log the AOS software version.

  • Allow the drone to stream flight logs to AMC while flying, by reusing the existing PX4 and Mavlink log streaming protocol.

  • Overhauled the WiFi configuration service, improving reliability of connections and allowing operators to scan for available WiFi networks.


  • Boson Camera: Spot meter temperatures (min, max, mean) are sent as KLV metadata in addition to the video stream. The KLV data is included in the video recordings and enables a new overlay with real-time measurements in AMC.

What improved


  • Fixed an issue where UPOS mode was unavailable despite the TRIP and gimbal firmware supporting UPOS mode

  • Fixed an issue where bug where an alternative video stream destination could not be configured

App Development

  • Fixed various bug fixes in the app configuration service, for apps leveraging DDS communication.

Data Logger (ULOG)

  • Improved robustness of log streaming service when mavlink-router is restarted/not running.


  • General maintenance and Quality of Life work.

  • Web UI: warn about the need for a new pairing if the encryption key changes. This change tailors mostly systems that are using Silvus Radios.

Last updated