AOS 3.5.13
This version of AuterionOS comes bundled with the following APX4 release:
Please use the following version, or newer, of Auterion Mission Control with this version of AOS:
What's new
Added support for Software Manifest deployments via Suite
Added support for Cloud deployments via Suite
Removed video2ros app from list of default apps. The app can still be downloaded from the Suite.
Removed system-monitor-ros service
Report Docker statistics in AuterionOS logs uploaded to the Suite
What improved
New video pipelines to stream RTP or MPEG-TS video streams to AMC without RTSP
Enable multicast for MPEG-TS or RTP video streams when using Silvus radios
Download camera definition XML file via MAVFTP
Implement DDS logging for radio and streaming statistics
Require min. TRIP 1.4.36 firmware version
Replace LPOS (Local Position) with UPOS (Unstabilized Position)
Add Laser support:
New camera control: Laser Safety. This controls functions as a safety- or kill-switch for the laser logic and is accessible through the AMC camera settings. On system boot it is set to Disarmed. Once set to Armed, the laser can be activated.
New camera control: Laser Mode. This control allows to change the laser mode between continuous and blinking.
Silvus: new IP scheme support after updating radios to the latest firmware
Silvus: report GPS location to GCS
Performance improvements across many internal services, reducing idle CPU load
Start update log filename with date, instead of update status
Fixed bug which would cause the installation status to disappear after web UI refresh
Minor fixes in the WiFi config service, app config & system information backend
Last updated