AOS 3.5.13


This version of AuterionOS comes bundled with the following APX4 release:

APX4 3.1.0

Please use the following version, or newer, of Auterion Mission Control with this version of AOS:

AMC 1.32.7

What's new

  • Added support for Software Manifest deployments via Suite

  • Added support for Cloud deployments via Suite

  • Removed video2ros app from list of default apps. The app can still be downloaded from the Suite.

  • Removed system-monitor-ros service

  • Report Docker statistics in AuterionOS logs uploaded to the Suite

What improved


  • New video pipelines to stream RTP or MPEG-TS video streams to AMC without RTSP

  • Enable multicast for MPEG-TS or RTP video streams when using Silvus radios

  • Download camera definition XML file via MAVFTP

  • Implement DDS logging for radio and streaming statistics


  • Require min. TRIP 1.4.36 firmware version

  • Replace LPOS (Local Position) with UPOS (Unstabilized Position)

  • Add Laser support:

    • New camera control: Laser Safety. This controls functions as a safety- or kill-switch for the laser logic and is accessible through the AMC camera settings. On system boot it is set to Disarmed. Once set to Armed, the laser can be activated.

    • New camera control: Laser Mode. This control allows to change the laser mode between continuous and blinking.


  • Silvus: new IP scheme support after updating radios to the latest firmware

  • Silvus: report GPS location to GCS


  • Performance improvements across many internal services, reducing idle CPU load

  • Start update log filename with date, instead of update status

  • Fixed bug which would cause the installation status to disappear after web UI refresh

  • Minor fixes in the WiFi config service, app config & system information backend

Last updated