AMC 1.32.7

What's new

  • New GPS Denied Navigation features, public documentation available here

    • New "Change Wind" action

    • Add Vehicle Position reset guided action for Multi rotors

    • Allow Vehicle Position reset on the ground

  • VTOL Land Approaches

    • Decouple Land Approaches from Home Position

    • Add the ability to set the Land Approaches in different locations

    • Add Terrain collision checks on land approaches

  • Add terrain collision checks on VTOL Takeoff

  • Fixed Wing: new Target landing pattern

  • Included Compass and CFOV on detached secondary video screen

  • Tactical Mission Awareness

    • Add distance and time between waypoints

    • Show distance/time to guided action

    • Show Remaining flight time, Station time and time to RTL

  • Safety Tab: expose in the options to set RC override behavior

  • Add a new north indicating crosshair, available in the camera settings

  • Add a new off-screen indicator to the active mission waypoint or active guided action. Available in general settings.

  • Add support for displaying Motors RPM in the combo compass

  • Introduce a new Marker Manager

    • Add the ability to save Marker mission files to local storage

    • Add the ability load, edit display Marker missions

    • ATAK markers or markers from an external source will not be editable from AMC

  • Support for new hardware setup with ILX and a Boson camera connected together

  • Support for Silvus radio SS5 IP scheme

  • Added new MPEG TS video format. The default will still be RTSP over RTP.

    • When combined with Silvus radios this feature will leverage the multicast feature from the radios to optimize for bandwidth when using multiple ground stations.

  • Expose right rocker on the Pilot Pro GCS for zooming

  • Multi rotors: move Track to custom camera gimbal controls

What's improved

  • Connection Manager

    • Fix OpenVPN connectivity

    • Add vehicle IP to generic radio settings

    • Stabilize Vehicle pairing/unpairing

  • Improve marker re-projection accuracy

  • Display account name and picture for the logged user

  • Fix zoom buttons overlapping on the camera row

  • Fly view: have Flight Tools selected by default

  • Remove duplicate waypoint at end of each pattern Mission

  • Auto-detect video aspect ratio

  • Fix load KML overlay in mission planning

  • Improved toggle buttons UI across the application

  • Add RTSP buffer size to camera settings

  • Fix application getting stuck when importing big mission files

Last updated