AMC 1.32.7
What's new
New GPS Denied Navigation features, public documentation available here
New "Change Wind" action
Add Vehicle Position reset guided action for Multi rotors
Allow Vehicle Position reset on the ground
VTOL Land Approaches
Decouple Land Approaches from Home Position
Add the ability to set the Land Approaches in different locations
Add Terrain collision checks on land approaches
Add terrain collision checks on VTOL Takeoff
Fixed Wing: new Target landing pattern
Included Compass and CFOV on detached secondary video screen
Tactical Mission Awareness
Add distance and time between waypoints
Show distance/time to guided action
Show Remaining flight time, Station time and time to RTL
Safety Tab: expose in the options to set RC override behavior
Add a new north indicating crosshair, available in the camera settings
Add a new off-screen indicator to the active mission waypoint or active guided action. Available in general settings.
Add support for displaying Motors RPM in the combo compass
Introduce a new Marker Manager
Add the ability to save Marker mission files to local storage
Add the ability load, edit display Marker missions
ATAK markers or markers from an external source will not be editable from AMC
Support for new hardware setup with ILX and a Boson camera connected together
Support for Silvus radio SS5 IP scheme
Added new MPEG TS video format. The default will still be RTSP over RTP.
When combined with Silvus radios this feature will leverage the multicast feature from the radios to optimize for bandwidth when using multiple ground stations.
Expose right rocker on the Pilot Pro GCS for zooming
Multi rotors: move Track to custom camera gimbal controls
What's improved
Connection Manager
Fix OpenVPN connectivity
Add vehicle IP to generic radio settings
Stabilize Vehicle pairing/unpairing
Improve marker re-projection accuracy
Display account name and picture for the logged user
Fix zoom buttons overlapping on the camera row
Fly view: have Flight Tools selected by default
Remove duplicate waypoint at end of each pattern Mission
Auto-detect video aspect ratio
Fix load KML overlay in mission planning
Improved toggle buttons UI across the application
Add RTSP buffer size to camera settings
Fix application getting stuck when importing big mission files
Last updated