Start Section
The Mission Start Editor is the first item in the editor view. Other mission items are added using the Plan Tools (Waypoints, ROI, Takeoff, Return, etc.), and deleted using the bin icon in their associated editor.
The main items are listed below:
Auterion Mission Control displays the settings that are required by most users. Rarely needed mission item editor settings are hidden by default (e.g. setting hold time at a waypoint). These may be displayed by switching AMC to Advanced Mode.
Mission Start Editor (Defaults)
The Mission Start Editor is the first item in the mission command list. It is used to specify settings that apply to the whole mission (e.g. launch position), and settings for the first item (e.g. the altitude). It can also be used to reset the altitude and flight speed for all mission items.
Most of the settings are common for all the vehicle types.
Set the initial altitude and the flight speed for the mission. The altitude can be changed in waypoints, and will persist to subsequent waypoints.
If the altitude is changed after a mission has been defined, the user is prompted to confirm whether the change should apply to all waypoints.
Setting | Description |
Waypoint altitude | Default altitude for the first mission item added to a plan (subsequent items take an initial altitude from the previous item). This can also be used to change the altitude of all items in a plan to the same value; users will be prompted if the value is changed when there are items in a plan. |
Flight speed | Set a flight speed for the mission. |
MC Takeoff Mission Item
For Multicopters there is no need to place a takeoff item as the takeofflocation is automatically defined by taking the vehicle's position when powered on.
VTOL Takeoff Mission Item
The VTOL Takeoff item specifies the target location and altitude to which the vehicle will first ascend, and then transition to fixed-wing mode. There can only be one takeoff item in a mission.
The item position can be changed by drag/drop on the map, and the altitude is changed in the editor. The front of the vehicle will yaw towards the next waypoint on takeoff (by default).
Setting | Description |
Altitude | Altitude for the takeoff.
Fixed Wing Takeoff Item
The Fixed Wing Takeoff item specifies both the launch location, and the target location and altitude to which the vehicle will first ascend. There can only be one takeoff item in a mission.
A launch item and takeoff item are created on the map when the Plan Tools > Takeoff button is selected for a Fixed-Wing vehicle. The launch item is created at the vehicle location if a vehicle is connected; otherwise this must be specified on the map before the mission can be saved. The launch and takeoff items can be moved by drag/drop on the map, and the takeoff altitude is changed in the editor.
Setting | Description |
Altitude | Altitude for the takeoff.
Other Mission Item Types
The most important mission item types added using the Plan tool buttons (listed above).
Any mission item that is not listed can created by adding a waypoint and then changing its type using the selector in the item title.
The full list of mission items is provided below (other than those for patterns).
Category | Command | Description |
Basic | Waypoint | Travel to a position in 3D space. |
Return To Launch | Send vehicle back to launch position. | |
Land | Land vehicle at specified location. | |
Takeoff | Takeoff from the ground and travel towards the specified position. | |
Loiter | Loiter | Travel to position and loiter indefinitely. |
Loiter (time) | Travel to position and loiter for a specified time. | |
Loiter (altitude) | Travel to position and loiter until specified altitude reached. | |
VTOL | VTOL takeoff and transition | Takeoff in VTOL mode, transition to forward flight, and fly to the specified location. |
VTOL transition and land | Transition to VTOL mode and land. | |
VTOL transition | Perform flight mode transition (to specified mode). | |
Advanced | Delay until | Delay until specified time. |
Jump to item | Mission will continue at specified item. | |
Set servo | Set servo to specified PWM value. | |
Configure mount | Configure the vehicle mount (e.g. gimbal). | |
Control mount | Control the vehicle mount (e.g. gimbal). | |
Conditionals | Wait for Heading | Delay the mission until the specified heading is reached. |
Flight control | Change speed | Change speed and/or throttle setpoints. |
Land start | Marker to indicate the start of a landing sequence. | |
Camera | Point of interest (POI) | Sets region of interest for the camera. |
POI to next waypoint | Sets the region of interest. | |
Cancel ROI | Cancels the region of interest. | |
Camera control | Control onboard camera. | |
Camera trigger distance | Set camera trigger distance. | |
Set camera modes | Set camera photo, video modes. | |
Start image capture | Start taking one or more photos. | |
Stop image capture | Stop taking photos. | |
Start video capture | Start video capture. | |
Stop video capture | Stop video capture. |
Last updated