AMC 1.34.19
New features
Add support for Georectified PDF imports as Map Overlay:
GeoPDF is a set of geospatial extensions in the PDF specification to include information that relates a region in the document page to a region in physical space
The user can add GeoPDFs in the Left tool strip -> Map Tools -> Load Overlays
Add support for manual import of Geo-Awareness areas using the geoJSON standard:
Geo zones are portions of airspace where Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), operations are facilitated, restricted or excluded.
The user can add Geo-Awareness areas using the Left tool strip -> Map Tools -> Load Overlays
New Wi-Fi Configuration interface:
New UI/UX to connect your vehicle to a Wi-Fi network
Displays the list of available Wi-Fi networks and save previously connected networks
AuterionOS version 3.7 or higher is required
Add support for KLV visualization with Boson camera
Display spot temperature measurements from the Boson camera are currently shown as a video overlay
Unscheduled Maintenance:
Go to Vehicle Overview -> Cloud Menu to register a maintenance ticket
Login with your suite account is required
Service Bulletins:
The end users will be notified of messages sent from an OEM or Auterion. These messages will be captured in a service bulletin. Users can access the service bulletin from AMC and Suite.
Available in AMC from Vehicle Overview -> More -> Service Bulletins
Software Updates from AMC:
You can now get notified about new software updates directly from Auterion Mission Control. This new feature not only enables users to receive notifications on the GCS when a new Software Update is available, but also perform a "2-click" vehicle software update without the need of manually navigating to
Software updates page is available from Vehicle Overview -> More -> Software Updates
Custom preflight checklist:
In the Fly View section of the General Settings, the user can now import customizable preflight checklists in a JSON format
The new Custom checklist will then be available in the Vehicle Overview -> Preflight Checklist
Enable support to log GCS Information into the logged information available from Suite.
Fix Preflight Checklist settings:
Use Preflight Checklist: takeoff is allowed if checklist is not completed, the vehicle status in the top status bar changes color and text based on the checklist state
Enforce Preflight Checklist: takeoff is allowed only if checklist is completed, the vehicle status in the top status bar changes color and text based on the checklist state
Show AuterionOS version on Vehicle Overview -> More
Add radio RSSI and SNR in the Link Quality from the top status bar, if the radio provides the information*.
Small GCS screens improvement: increase default button size by 20%
Allow persisting KML map overlay in both Plan View and Fly View
Add 2 new Joystick functions: move gimbal 90 degrees straight down and 45 degrees forward down
Improve vehicle status information in the top status bar: use more descriptive text and add moving text animation
Increase maximum zoom level on the map allowing you to get more granularity from satellite views
Display the altitude frame used in Survey and Corridor Scan for better user awareness
The Ubuntu installer archive has been retired in favor of the more streamlined AppImage format. The AppImage can be used immediately after download.
VTOL Specific
Rework VTOL transition functionality, expose two functions to the user:
When global position is available, the user can command HOLD & Transition, which first puts the vehicle in hold mode and then commands a transition.
When global position is not available, the user can command Altitude mode & Transition. In order for this to work, the user needs to have manual control available. This mode is useful when hold mode cannot be entered, due to the lack of global position, e.g. GPS denied.
Enable terrain follow in Survey and Corridor Scan for VTOL in advanced mode
MC Specific
New features
Path Planning & Following using Dubins Path Algorithm:
Plan and track path between waypoints such that vehicle makes no sharp turns and user is not required to set turnaround distance
The feature can be enabled in General Settings -> Enable Dubins Path Planning
Last updated