USB-C Network Connection

Setting up a network connection to Skynode for updates and development purposes

The following instructions allow you to connect to the mission computer and flight controller in order to inspect what is happening in real-time. For development purposes, connect to Skynode via the USB-C interface.

Syknode's USB-C interface sets up a network connection to the computer connected to Skynode. A DHCP server is running on Skynode, which assigns the IP address to the client. Make sure that your computer is set up to use DHCP on the network interface corresponding to the USB-C port. Depending on your particular operating system, this network interface is most likely only visible while connected to Skynode via USB-C.

DeviceIPv4 AddressNetmask


Developer's computer

Once the network connection is configured, see Flight Controller Shell for how to open an interactive mavlink shell to the PX4 Autopilot, or SSH Access for opening a secure shell on the mission computer.

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