Auterion CLI Reference

Command line utility to interact with Auterion Devices and Apps

Type auterion-cli --help in your command line to get help. For help for a sub-command, type auterion-cli <subcommand> --help


Auterion CLI can be easily installed with the help of the python package installer (pip). Therefore, before running the next installation step, make sure that you have pip installed and running on your development system.

pip3 install auterion-cli

Make sure your that ~/.local/bin directory is in the PATH to access it.

Your system also needs to be able to run arm64 docker containers in order to compile apps for Skynode. Refer to Development environment Setupfor a guide on how to set up Docker.


Auterion CLI automatically checks for updates when running. In order to update to the newest version run the following command:

pip3 install --upgrade auterion-cli

Command reference

Discover / select devices

"Selecting" a device makes auterion-cli perform all actions against that selected device. In case no device is selected, auterion-cli will default to any device reachable on

Device information

App management

Development workflow

Last updated