
How to install Auterion Mission Control

Download the latest version

You can download AMC from Auterion Suite.

Installers of Auterion Mission Control are provided for Android, Ubuntu Linux, Windows and MacOS. These can be installed locally on the different host operating systems using the system's usual methods.

Supported OS Versions

The following OS versions are supported:


Supported Version


Android 5.1 or later

Ubuntu Linux

Ubuntu Linux 22.04


Windows 10 or later


MacOS 13.5 or later


The Android installer is provided as an Android Package Kit/APK file (e.g.: file extension .apk).

Mission Control is intended to run on tablet devices. While you may be able to install it on an Android phone, the UI may not render all elements correctly.

To install and run AMC:

  1. Enable APK installation on your device. The setting to use depends on the version of Android - it might be

    • Settings > Security > Device Administration > Enable Unknown Sources

    • Settings > Security and Lock Screen > Device Administration > Enable Unknown Sources

    • Settings > Apps and Notifications > Install Unknown Apps

    • Settings > Apps and Notifications > Install Other Apps

    If none of those options are available check the documentation for your device.

  2. Install the APK file using the standard installer (just acknowledge all prompts)

  3. Run AMC from the device launcher.

  4. To ensure proper functionality, grant location and media permissions as prompted.

Ubuntu Linux

Auterion Mission Control is available on Ubuntu Linux as a self-contained AppImage. This section will walk you through the installation process and help you get started with AMC.

What is an AppImage?

AppImages are standalone application bundles that allow you to run software on multiple Linux distributions without installation. They eliminate the need for package managers, scripts, or unpacking. This format simplifies application distribution and portability.

Installation instructions

The following steps are one-time system configurations that only need to be performed during initial setup. These changes persist across system reboots and won't need to be repeated, for example when relaunching AMC or updating version.

To successfully run the AMC AppImage:

  1. Add User to Dialout Group Run the command to add your user to the dialout group:

    sudo usermod -aG dialout $USER
  2. Remove ModemManager Uninstall the ModemManager package by executing:

    sudo apt -y remove modemmanager


Method 1: Graphical Interface

  1. Navigate to the AppImage location using your file manager

  2. Double-click the AppImage file and wait a few seconds

Method 2: Command Line

  1. Open a terminal in the AppImage directory

  2. Launch the application using:


    Note: Replace [filename.AppImage] with your actual downloaded filename (e.g. AuterionMissionControl-amc-v1.35.0-ubuntu-22.04.AppImage)

Last updated