Joystick and Button Mapping

Skynav Appendix

‌The joysticks can be set up in the AMC application. To access the Joystick settings, tap on the Auterion icon in the top left corner, then tap on "Vehicle Setup".

Note that a Vehicle or Skynode must be paired and connected in AMC before the Joystick settings and button assignment can be modified.

Inside "Vehicle Setup" tap on the "Joystick" menu as shown in the image below. The "General" tab will list all of the detected joystick and button inputs. Ensure the box "Enable joystick input" is checked. Calibrating the joysticks may be required before enabling the joysticks. This process can be initiated in the "Calibration" tab. Calibration should also be performed if the joystick readings are not centered or drift is noticed during flight.

On the "Button Assignment" tab the user can customize the button functions on Skynav, including the 5D pad. The image below is a typical configuration for a drone with a gimbaled camera.

The "Advanced" tab offers further customization options for the Skynav joysticks and buttons. For instance, the stick position that represents zero throttle can be changed, and the shoulder sliders can be enabled or disabled by checking "Enable Gimbal Control". For more information on the Joysticks tab and Advanced features click here.


If your Skynav Handheld controller is equipped with QGroundControl rather than Auterion Mission Control, see the open-source for further details.

Last updated