AOS 3.7.14
Last updated
Last updated
This version of AuterionOS comes bundled with the following APX4 release:
Please use the following version, or newer, of Auterion Mission Control with this version of AOS:
Check out the respective Release notes to see what's new in APX4 and AMC!
Extended flight logs to log the AOS software version.
Allow the drone to stream flight logs to AMC while flying, by reusing the existing PX4 and Mavlink log streaming protocol.
Overhauled the WiFi configuration service, improving reliability of connections and allowing operators to scan for available WiFi networks.
Boson Camera: Spot meter temperatures (min, max, mean) are sent as KLV metadata in addition to the video stream. The KLV data is included in the video recordings and enables a new overlay with real-time measurements in AMC.
Fixed an issue where UPOS mode was unavailable despite the TRIP and gimbal firmware supporting UPOS mode
Fixed an issue where bug where an alternative video stream destination could not be configured
App Development
Fixed various bug fixes in the app configuration service, for apps leveraging DDS communication.
Data Logger (ULOG)
Improved robustness of log streaming service when mavlink-router is restarted/not running.
General maintenance and Quality of Life work.
Web UI: warn about the need for a new pairing if the encryption key changes. This change tailors mostly systems that are using Silvus Radios.