Software Update

This page describes how to update Skynode's firmware

AuterionOS and the APX4 firmware are packaged into a single .auterionos file. There are two easy ways for updating your vehicle:

  1. Using Auterion Suite to deploy remote updates

  2. Update a vehicle directly using the Vehicle Web UI, which is explained on the remainder of this page.

Local Software Update in Vehicle Web UI

The complete software stack including AuterionOS and APX4 on Skynode can be updated locally using the USB-C interface. This is the preferred update mechanism during development as it enables an offline workflow that does not require an internet connection during the software update.

You need a valid account on the Auterion Suite and a registered Skynode in order to download the Skynode firmware.


  • The vehicle needs to be powered on and a network connection to the drone established. The easiest way is usually via USB-C, unless the manufacturer documented a different method in their manual.

  • Computer with an internet browser installed. e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari

Performing a local AuterionOS update

  1. Close Auterion Mission Control if it is currently running on your computer.

  2. Open an internet browser and navigate to the Vehicle Web UI. This connects to a local web server on Skynode and displays the web page above. The method of connecting to Skynode as well as its IP address might differ on your vehicle, in which case it would be documented by the vehicle's manufacturer.

  3. Navigate from the Vehicle Web UI to Dashboard > Install Software, select the software image with the new release, and proceed by clicking Update. An example image name may be "skynode-astro-v1.15.18-prod.auterionos". This is illustrated by the red rectangle in the image above.

  4. A progress bar will indicate the file transfer progress. On completion, Skynode will automatically reboot, verify and perform the update. The complete update process can take up to 5 minutes, please wait until Skynode has rebooted and the successful update is confirmed. You will see the following confirmation.

Last updated

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