
Sort and organize your vehicles

By default, only two automatically generated groups will exist: All vehicles and Archived Vehicles.

All vehicles will show every active vehicle in the organization, while archived vehicles will show all of the archived vehicles. The default vehicle list and the All vehicles group will show the same vehicles.

To create a new group, select + New Group

A group has these major properties:

  • Name, which is shown on the Vehicle List page

  • Tag, which is used in the rows of the vehicle list, and on the vehicle page

  • Color and icon can also be configured by clicking on the logo at the top

Once a group has been created it will be shown at the top of the page.

Adding and removing vehicles

From a group

Vehicles can be removed from a group by hovering over them and clicking the red x from the "Manage group" window

From the vehicle list

From a vehicle page

Editing groups in-line from the vehicle list and the vehicle page uses the same interface. All groups will be shown, and any group can be joined or left.

Last updated

Change request #145: Add GPS denied