AMC 1.22.3

What's new

  • Quick Vehicle Overview Menu. The Vehicle Overview is accessible by clicking on the vehicle indicator located on the left side of the topbar

  • Multirotor: added support for the Slow Speed flight mode. The new flight mode can be selected from the Flight mode selector located on the topbar

  • Updated Auterion Mission Control logo

  • Added battery charging indicator for Android-based GCSs

  • Enabled application logging by default. Log retention is set to 10 application starts

  • Moved the former vehicle setup page under the Advanced section in the menu, visible only in advanced mode.

  • Unified joystick and radio menu in the controller menu

What's improved

  • MAVLink commands are no longer queued before being sent.

  • Improved Remote ID error handling when WiFi module isn’t responsive

  • Improved cellular status indicator to show the different states such as disabled, error, connected, connecting, missing SIM Card and link rate

  • Added error sound when take photo command fails

  • Improved Photo Gallery photo download to show in-progress downloads

  • Battery status reporting: rely on battery thresholds to change battery and vehicle indicator status color

  • Limit Figure8 radius to 1km

  • Improved compass rose visibility

  • VTOLs and fixed-wing: ignore Condition Gate Waypoint for terrain checks

  • Improved mission items loading time

  • Fixed gimbal commands from mission items

  • Don’t display “Disable POI” button if the vehicle is set up to change its heading towards the POI

Last updated

Change request #145: Add GPS denied