AMC 1.26.8

What's new

  • Display Distance Sensor app data

  • Add UI to aid GPS Denied Navigation: display vehicle raw GPS position, display vehicle position accuracy and added ability to disable/enable GPS fusion in flight

  • Added ability to manually reset the vehicle position directly or by setting the camera Center Field of View during GPS denied navigation

  • Added ability to move the home position location when the vehicle is disarmed

  • Added ability to drop markers in the video feed

  • Added Sony ILX-LR1, Sentera 6X and 65R metadata

  • Added support for secondary payload, USB camera, alongside Sony A7R and Wiris

  • Added support for VTOL Takeoff in AGL altitude in mission planning

  • Added ability to center map on vehicle, on payload Center Field of View or both

  • Added software compatibility check between AMC and AuterionOS

  • Added ability to sync mission from the Auterion Suite

What's improved

  • Rework MAVLink commands queues not to queue user commands but drop them if there is already a request in progress

  • Rework crosshair

  • Notify users when the system goes into a failsafe

  • Improve gimbal manager such that it detects if a gimbal is connected to the vehicle based on heartbeats

  • Added pre-selection on markers such that it is possible to drop them with one less click

  • Upload geofence before mission to the vehicle such that the mission feasibility checks can take into account the geofence

  • Deprecated vehicle virtual joysticks

  • Added ability to stop re-centering map around the vehicle when map is secondary

  • Improve user notification when SIM Card on the vehicle is suspended

  • Upgraded Android Gstreamer to v1.18.6 for video compatibility with devices such as Android Active tab4

  • Fixed video detach on secondary screen functionality

  • Sign Android APK and Windows executable

  • Fix continuous zoom bug where the zoom stop command might not be sent

Last updated

Change request #145: Add GPS denied