Waypoint Missions

A waypoint mission is an autonomous mission where the flight path is explicitly defined on the map using waypoint mission items.

The mission path and direction are shown on the map, with numbered circles for the waypoints. Other important types of points are marked with labelled points (e.g. "V" for VTOL takeoff, “T” for takeoff, “H” for Start point).

A mission item can be selected for editing from the map, it is then highlighted (using a larger filled green circle and a description) and its editor is opened in the list.

Most mission item types are added by first selecting the associated Plan Tool, and then selecting the desired position for the item on the map. These items include takeoff items, waypoints, points of interest, survey/scan patterns and return points.

Mission items are then edited or deleted in type-specific mission editors.

The Upload required button is used to upload missions to the vehicle (along with other plan types). Users can then switch to Fly View and run the mission.

Create a Waypoint Mission

This example creates a simple end-to-end mission that includes takeoff and landing, setting waypoints, and creating/cancelling a region of interest.

To create a manual waypoint mission:

  1. Open the Plan View.

  2. From the Plan View, click on the bin icon in the top right corner.

    This will clear any existing mission.

  3. Check that the Mission Start editor settings are correct for the planned flight. In particular, that the altitude is high enough to avoid obstacles when travelling to the first waypoint.

  4. Edit the Waypoint settings:

  1. If all the settings are set, click on the Upload required button.

  1. Go to the Fly view and click on the Mission button to start the Mission.


  • Select Plan Tools > Waypoint to enable adding waypoints.

  • Select a point on the map to add a Waypoint, it will automatically generate a waypoint item to the Mission editor.

  • If needed, use the editor to modify the altitude. Camera triggering can also be configured from this panel (and will apply until the next waypoint).

  • Add as many waypoints as needed along the desired path on the map.

  • To insert waypoints between existing waypoints, select the mission item before where the new item is to be added (either on the map or its editor), then repeat the process to add waypoints.

  • Check the Terrain Data Indicator to confirm that none of the waypoints is below ground. Use the Mission Information to check that each waypoint (and the whole mission) is flyable.

Editing waypoints:

  • Create a waypoint between the last two items by selecting the marker on the line between them.

  • Enable Plan Tools > POI to enable adding a point of interest.

  • Select a location on the map where you want an POI item (this will add the item editor in the mission item list on the right).

  • Select the cancel POI in the left sidebar to clear the POI.

To end the mission: use the Return button in the Fly view or select a Mission end action from the Mission Editor.

  • Hold: The vehicle will hover at its current position and altitude.

  • Land: The vehicle is landing at its current position and altitude.

  • Return to Launch: It creates a path back to the mission take-off point.

Upload the mission to the vehicle using the Upload Required button. Once the mission has been uploaded users can change to the Fly View and execute the mission.

Many other operations are possible. You can move waypoints and other items on the map using drag-drop, delete items, add patterns for Surveys, Structure Scans or Corridor Scans, etc.

Last updated

Change request #145: Add GPS denied