AMC 1.9.0

Before installing the latest Android version of the Auterion Mission Control, uninstall and remove the old version.


Please use the following version, or newer, of Auterion OS with this release of AMC:

AOS 2.0.2

New Features

  • A 3D Fly view based on the ArcGIS SDK has been Integrated and enables a 3D map visualization of the mission during planning and flying.\

  • The UI is now more mobile friendly and enables the pilot to execute the most frequently used actions easier.

    • The "Go-To" and POI actions are now integrated as separate buttons on the left tool strip.

    • The altitude change can be changed by a separate button on the left tool strip.

    • The Transition control for VTOL has been moved to a separate button on the left tool strip.

    • The mission item right column is now focused only on the selected mission item.

    • All controls on the mission item on the right column are now controlled by touch sliders.

  • The state notification system is now more intuitive as:

    • The existing battery state and vehicle health is indicated by color changes on the top toolbar.

    • The warning notification system is redesigned to make the warnings more readable.

  • Mission Planning is now adjusted to the capabilities of the vehicle:

    • Only the mission items that a vehicle can execute are available during mission planning.

  • Further features introduced:

    • Auterion Mission Control is now fully compatible with the Herelink device.

    • The new Mavlink Gimbal V2 Protocol has been implemented and can work against the PX4 gimbal manager. More information about the protocol can be found in this page.

    • Auterion Mission Control can now be used to set up the Wi-Fi on Skynode devices.

    • A new EULA has been introduced at first launch.

Improvements / Resolved issues

  • One physical button can be mapped to take a photo or record a video depending the mode.

  • A Link Indicator which allows to select a high latency link (if any is present) is introduced.

  • The Camera Controls have been rearranged.

  • On the Camera view the ability to visualize a reticle has been added.

  • The Plan View Top Toolbar has been reworked.

  • The former "Auterion Pro" mode is renamed to "Auterion Dev".

  • The Mini Map now has extra buttons to control what to be visualized.

  • The former Region of Interest (ROI) is not renamed to Point of Interest (POI).

  • The Heading options for loiter way points and VTOL take off are improved.

  • The Pre-flight checklist button is now hidden while the vehicle is flying.\

  • Resolved issues:

    • On specific cases not all the photos taken by the vehicle were available in the Photo gallery.

    • On small screens the Battery Panel was being cropped out of the screen.

    • On small screens the gimbal controls were too big.

    • Minor bug fixes on the functionality of the VTOL specific Pre-flight checklist.

    • On specific occasions the Log download was not functioning correctly.

Last updated

Change request #145: Add GPS denied