AMC 1.29.7

What's new

  • Mission planning

    • Add capabilities to upload, delete and load missions to the Auterion Suite. The vehicle will then have access to pull missions from the Suite when an internet connection is available.

    • Introduce a new Mission Manager menu.

    • Introduce a new Recent Missions tab.

    • Include additional mission details such as location and creation date

    • Facilitate bulk mission uploads and deletions, with improved filtering options

  • GPS Denied Navigation for ISR vehicles

    • Added the ability to disable/enable GPS Fusion

    • Added the ability to takeoff and fly in a GPS Denied environment

    • New UI for vehicle position accuracy

  • New ISR vehicles Guided Actions

    • Home Position reset

    • Vehicle Position reset: useful in GPS denied conditions

  • Vehicle overview

    • Moved the Storage Tab to the overview menu

    • Added new System Health Submenu

    • Added Flight Number

  • UTM Integration: notify the user when they are soon to enter a new geo zone (airspace)

  • New Altitude Mode setting in the Plan View settings that sets the default value for all Mission items

  • New configuration in the Safery Tab: Distance Sensor Configuration for VTOLs, this allows users to disable the sensor during aerodynamic flight

  • Add support for coordinates in degrees minutes seconds

  • Add Login to Advanced Mode if admin protection is enabled on skynode. The Skynode password protection is explained in further details in the AuterionOS 3.2.9 release notes.

  • Add new logging mode without position data

  • Expand mission planning camera list by incorporating Micasense Altum PT and Micasense RedEdge-P cameras

  • Added setup configuration interface for Rover Vehicles

  • Add new pairing settings for Doodle Labs Radios

  • Sign the Android APK with a Digicert Certificate, installing a new version automatically replaces any existing AMC on the device.

  • Deprecated Airframe component page

What's improved

  • Make telemetry map Guided Action items interactive

  • Improved UI for Guided Action confirmation popup

  • Multi GCS - sync Missions, Geofence and Rally Points on Observer's GCS when the Pilot changes them

  • Improve UI for Measurement Tools

  • Improve metadata handling for Mission Items

  • Don't allow AGL mode for Mission Takeoff when no terrain data is available

  • Fix the change of vertical units not taking effect in the Safety Tab

  • Allow TCP to reconnect automatically if TAK Bridge service is detected

  • Fix Flight Modes visualization because it was overflowing in advanced mode

  • Don't allow Mission uploads before parameters are ready

  • Included Compass and Cfov on detached secondary video screen

  • Improved switching between EO/IR cameras

  • Improved Comm Links “Auto Connect” to try and regain the link also when it was lost.

  • Increase Corridor Scan max width to 500m

  • SROC controller support, fix the 5D button (HAT Button)

  • Faster parameters loading at startup

  • Showing Degraded flight mode Popup when the vehicle is in a critical state and needs to switch flight modes

  • Top Status Bar popup improvement: when opening a Popup leave the remaining UI interactive and only use the X to close the dropdown

  • Improved sound effects: photo/video shutter, flight modes, emergency states

  • Fix ADSB Aircraft missing from the Fly View map

Last updated

Change request #145: Add GPS denied