AOS 3.2.9
This version of AuterionOS comes bundled with the following APX4 release:
APX4 3.0.5Please use the following version, or newer, of Auterion Mission Control with this version of AOS:
AMC 1.29.7What's new
Upgraded Linux kernel from 4.14 to 5.10
Enabled use of the Ethernet switch on the Skynode
This feature now allows for isolation between payload communication on the J7 Ethernet port and internal FMU - OS communication
The JST GH 4-pin USB2 and the PPB ports are also physically separate interfaces, which are internally bridged to provide the same functionality as the single Ethernet network in previous releases
Overhauled Web UI look and feel
Added support for password-based user authentication in order to access Web UI features such as: software updates, system services information, MAVLINK connectivity settings, Remote ID settings; authentication is disabled by default, but can be enabled by setting the
environment variable to 1Restricted WiFI channels available for 5GHz Access Point Mode to the allowed ranges for UAV operation in the EU, in accordance with the EU ECC/DEC/(04)08 directive; the Skynode shall only start an Access Point in the following ranges: 2402 - 2482 MHz, 5170 - 5250 MHz
Added app settings and app versions to ulog
Removed the Realsense camera driver from the list of root filesystem services, deprecated in favour of the Realsense app
Allow usage of shared memory in apps using XRCE-DDS
New Beta support for PhaseOne iXM-100 payload
Enabled hardware acceleration for H.264 hardware video decoding to reduce CPU load when using some payloads
What improved
Add coordinate system to Jpeg XMP metadata
Use UTC time for date and time in Exif metadata
Improve error handling when USB storage is disconnected
Several PPK processing stability improvements
Fix feedback to AMC when video recording is started or stopped
Fixed camera attitude in XMP tags
Removed DJI XMP namespace tags
Fixed state stuck in "Saving pictures to the storage"
Fixed 90 degree pitch offset in Pix4d's camera namespace
Sony A7R/ILX
Added JPEG quality control
Fix focus to infinity on ILX camera
Add video recording settings
Automatically detect lens type also on ILX camera
Fix issue where the shutter speed was set also when in auto exposure mode
Doodle Labs
Extended Doodle labs settings
Stability improvements in connection-manager
Fixed issue that was preventing flight logs to be upload to the Suite
Fixed issue with app installation where default apps would not get installed upon software update, if no apps were present on the previous AOS version
Fixed issue that caused the photo upload to the suite to not work correctly
Added graceful error handling for the system information API when the persistent partition fails to mount
Fixed setting the timezone the Skynode has an empty RTC battery
Fixed corner case that would allow for arbitrary code execution through app install
Fixed UI bug that would allow the RAM usage percentage to go above 100%
Last updated