APX4 2.5.4


Please use Auterion Mission Control 1.14.0 or newer with this version of APX4:

AMC 1.14.0

What improved

  • Automatically switch to a mode suitable for takeoff after landing

  • Support for ADS1115 ADC battery measurements

  • Better remaining battery estimation

Resolved Issues

  • Magnetometer IST8310 failing to start up on certain boards

  • DroneCAN not starting up in certain conditions

  • Prevent sending out invalid mission back to GCS

  • Robustify bad vertical acceleration check

  • Fix case where weather vane landing would not work on VTOL

  • Fix case when vehicle would not automatically exit a loiter

  • Fixes edge case that could cause DMA to stop working

  • Fix case that could cause camera trigger not executing in mission

  • Prevent a case in which a go-to location could be pending on arming

  • Prevent PWM ESCs from detecting loss of signal on terminate

  • NuttX update to mitigate some OS issues

Last updated

Change request #145: Add GPS denied