APX4 2.7.6


Please use Auterion Mission Control 1.17.9 or newer with this version of APX4:

AMC 1.17.9

What's new

  • Fixed-wing figure-8 flight mode

  • Enable “nudging” the lateral position during a fixed-wing landing approach

  • Enable “nudging” the lateral position during failsafe hovering descent mode

  • ADSB-out callsign support

  • Support for BMP390 barometer

  • Optionally disable position data from logs

  • Added configurable low position accuracy warning and RTL thresholds for GPS-denied flight ops

What improved

  • Estimation:

    • Increased robustification to bad magnetometer measurements

    • Improved altitude estimate stability

    • Improved GNSS health monitoring

    • Improved sensor data validity checking

    • Improved robustness to non-zero sideslip during GNSS denied fixed-wing flight

    • Improved protection against IMU sample integration jitter

    • Fixed temperature compensation handling in sensor bias learning

    • Robustified airspeed selector scale factor estimation

  • Fixed-wing:

    • Improved accelerated stall protection

    • Improved runway takeoff functionality

    • Improved runway landing functionality

    • Improved hand-launch functionality

    • Improved airspeedless altitude/speed control

  • Multicopter/VTOL:

    • Improved land detector

    • Enabled operator triggered transition to forward flight after a quad-chute

    • Expanded configurable quad-chute failsafe conditions

  • System:

    • Updated flight time warnings

    • Improved low battery handling

Last updated

Change request #145: Add GPS denied