Modifying Environment Variables

How to modify environment variables in AuterionOS

You can find a list of every customizable environment variable in Environment Variables.

Permanent settings

Environment variables of AuterionOS can be modified when creating a new AuterionOS image. To change or add environment variables, edit the files in aepx4-developer-tools-2.x.x/config/auterion_os.env. In order to apply changes of the environment variables AuterionOS needs to be repackaged and deployd to Skynode.

To package these into your own AuterionOS image, run the make command below:

make package-update version=my-version artifactPath=<AEPX4 Release>.auterionos

Temporary settings override

It is possible to temporarily overwrite the environment variables directly on Skynode for testing purposes. To do so, SSH into Skynode and create the file /data/override.env. In there add the environment variables you wish to override. An example is shown below:


There is no guarantee that the file will persist after updating the Skynode, so do not treat it as a permanent method.

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