Go-To in Local Frame

Related C++ Header in the Auterion SDK:<auterion_sdk/control/control.hpp>

Local Frame Goto Mode allows you to control a multicopter by continuously supplying a target position value where you want the vehicle to go to. The multicopter automatically does a smooth acceleration and deceleration trajectory to arrive at the specified target, or will change course to keep following a moving target.

Set up mode

In order to prepare your flight mode to accept LocalFrameGotoSetpoint, you need to supply the auterion::multicopter::LocalFrameGotoSetpoint::Config object to your mode constructor like so:

auterion::Mode my_mode(sdk, "My Mode", {

Create setpoints

LocalFrameGotoSetpoint setpoints take either a 3D position, or a 2D position + altitude as well as desired heading value. The vehicle then does a smooth trajectory towards the specified position.

Additionally, LocalFrameGotoSetpoint setpoints may take speed limits for horizontal, vertical, and heading rate. These specifications determine the maximum allowable speeds when moving towards the setpoint.

To create a setpoint, you can use the builder pattern like so:

auto setpoint = auterion::multicopter::LocalFrameGotoSetpoint{}
    .withPosition({x, y})  // possible overload: withPosition({x, y, z})

Also any subset of these values is permitted. In order to make the drone follow your setpoints, return these setpoints in the onUpdateSetpoint callback method of your mode.

Setting default speed limits

While you can specify the speed limit for each setpoint, you can also specify default limits to be respected by every goto setpoint defined in your mode. You can still provide a speed limit for specific setpoints, which will overwrite the corresponding default speed limit.

To achieve this, you need to supply a auterion::multicopter::GotoControlLimits to your goto setpoint configurator like so:

auto goto_limits = auterion::multicopter::GotoControlLimits{}

// Instantiate your mode to control goto setpoints
// configured with the default speed limits above  
auterion::Mode my_mode(sdk, "My Mode", {

Last updated

Change request #145: Add GPS denied