Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions regarding Auterion's implementation of Remote ID

How does Skynode broadcast the Remote ID?

Skynode is currently using WiFi beacon frames to broadcast the Remote ID Data. More details can be found on the page How Remote ID works.

Can Skynode's WiFi still be used alongside Remote ID?

Currently it is not possible to use regular WiFi while Remote ID is enabled, since Auterion then cannot guarantee that the message interval is strictly lower than 1s at all times.

Can Remote ID be disabled on Skynode?

Only developers and manufacturers can temporarily disable Remote ID.

How can I set the vehicle serial number for Remote ID?

By default Auterion's Remote ID deterministically generates the vehicle serial number using Auterion's registered manufacturer code and Skynode's UUID. In AuterionOS version 2.5.5, these values cannot be modified. Starting with AuterionOS 2.7, the manufacturer code can be customized and an additional ID field added. For more details see the section on how the vehicle serial number is calculated.

How is the timestamp in Remote ID messages set?

The timestamp is set by AuterionOS, using messages from either AMC or PX4 as a source.

The timestamp associated with the operator location message is equivalent to the timestamp of the positioning data in the most recent message from AMC. Likewise, the timestamp of the vehicle's position message will use the timestamp of APX4's location data.

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