APX4 2.6.1


Please use Auterion Mission Control 1.15.0 or newer with this version of APX4:

AMC 1.15.0

New Features

  • Log encryption

  • ARK RTK GPS Support

  • Wind-aware fixed wing guidance (optional)

  • Support for Auterion 12S power module

What improved

  • Improved export controlled flight time and wind restriction notifications

  • Balanced intensities of LED colors to prevent excessive power consumption on CAN bus

  • Better direction based speed constraints

  • Better GPS loss and jamming reporting

  • Automatically switch to appropriate mode after land

  • Possibility to have landing as part of a mission

  • Spoiler / flaps support on VTOL

Bug fixes

  • Use estimated magnetometer bias to update the magnetometer calibration

  • Fix false negative imbalanced propeller detection

  • Fix memory access issues

  • General stability improvements

  • Improved performance of estimator calculations

Last updated

Change request #145: Add GPS denied