Install and test a simple vision app
This example app uses the vision kit API to compute the average brightness of each frame captured by the camera.
Verify your development environment
Before proceeding, ensure that you have successfully set up your development environment.
Development environment SetupIt is also recommended that you be familiar with the app development workflow.
Application DevelopmentDownload the source code
In order to get access to the application's source code, you need to be part of the Auterion Developer program. If this is not the case follow these instructions to quickly get you registered.
The code for the vision kit example app is part of a downloadable bundle called "App examples", which is published inside the Developer section of Auterion Suite.
The vision kit example is available starting from App Examples - v3.
Download the folder and extract the vision kit example to your PC.
Build and install the app
In the root directory of the example, run the following commands to build and subsequently install the app on your device:
The app
should now be listed in the installed apps section. You can verify that via WebUI or via the auterion-cli app list
App functionality
The app runs a ROS2 node which performs the following steps:
Subscribe to image messages on the
ROS2 topic.For each YUV422-encoded image received, compute the average brightness (Y) component of all pixels in the image.
Publish the result on the
ROS2 topic.
Inspect the output
Connect to Skynode via SSH and source ROS2. You can then observe the computed average brightness component on the topic configured in the app:
Last updated